Trading Calculators
Boost your trading skills with our free and easy-to-use margin, lot size, pip value, and profit/loss calculators.

Margin Calculator
Calculating margin requirements is crucial for successful trading. Our Margin Calculator helps you determine the margin required to hold your positions based on your account currency, the currency pair you are trading, and your trade size. It’s easy to use and will ensure that you never take on too much risk.
Lot Size Calculator
Determining the correct lot size is essential for managing risk in your trades. Our Lot Size Calculator makes it easy to determine the lot size for any given trade based on your account size, risk percentage, and stop loss. Use it to ensure you’re not risking too much on any given trade.
Pip Value Calculator
Understanding the value of each pip is important for managing your profits and losses. Our Pip Value Calculator makes it easy to determine the value of each pip based on your account currency, the currency pair you are trading, and your trade size. It’s an essential tool for all traders.
Profit & Loss Calculator
Managing your profits and losses is critical for long-term success in trading. Our Profit and Loss Calculator helps you calculate the potential profit or loss of a trade based on your entry and exit prices, trade size, and currency pair. Use it to determine whether a trade is worth taking, and to manage your risk accordingly.